We hungout with Yana Ofrasio (@yana.ofrasio) last Sunday to talk a bit about her art practice, her show with 98B under Esc Projects, and her Creative Space Grant with the HUB: Make Lab. We also talked about the importance of participation and engagement in her practice.
This is the first of our Talks since 2019, and we're pivoting it slowly online, testing formats and platforms as we experiment on how we can make conversations more stimulating in the digital realm. It took a long time but we hope you can follow us as we dip our toes into the waters of the digitally world.
We're also trying to activate our YT Channel (the last time we used it was 7 years ago 😅), so please do keep posted for any updates!
You can access our hangout with Yana via www.bit.ly/98BYanaTalk.